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Hearts, Pink and Roses

Give me a reason to celebrate – and I will! Growing up, it was common for any holiday to serve as an excuse to wear themed shorts(actually boxers)/shirts/face paint/hair bows/tights. Some of those juvenile celebratory tendencies have carried over into adulthood for me and I fear I should have been and El-Ed major, so that I could get away with the expressive clothing choices. 

I have resigned myself to wearing colors that are representative of the holiday as a compromise for my attire choices. The irony is not lost on me that I am a single female who loves Valentine’s Day (actually any holiday, but since we’re talking about V-day, let’s focus on that!). Culturally speaking, Valentine’s Day is all about spending a romantic time with a significant other. I don’t contest that sentiment that many share. However, even if I were in a relationship, I would not appreciate roses (overpriced on this day), chocolate in a heart-shaped box (sub par mass production), or teddy bears (I’m not 5). I dated a guy who bought champagne glasses with hearts on them and I wanted to gag. That part of the holiday I have never liked as it seems manufactured and insincere (even though many want it to communicate sincerity). Therefore, what is a single girl to do on this day?

The same thing she does every day – but dressed in more pink/red than usual. That’s all. I have never felt the need to “celebrate singleness” with girlfriends on this day, nor do I have children that need to learn about holidays and therefore do not need to decorate my house with hearts and cupids. Let’s be honest. I’ll probably pick up some cheesy valentines to pass out at work because I am a cheesy, celebratory woman who thinks that’s funny. I am not however, a woman who will be upset about my singleness because a day is dedicated to those who are attached. The day doesn’t apply to me in that way, and that’s ok. 

Children's valentines

Please hear me, single and attached women alike; this day is what you make it. It can be a day of romance and love, a day of annoyance and pity, or a day where you continue to grow into the type of woman you want to be known as in the face of a culture that tells you how you should be instead. How do you choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

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