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Butternut Squash and Apple Bisque

I love fall. It is my absolute favorite season. I love the crisp air, crunchy leaves, football, cozy clothes and drinks, bonfires, and so much more. I especially love the delicious flavors that go with fall. I first made butternut squash and apple bisque several years ago, and it was an absolute disaster. However, it tasted amazing. I’ve simplified this recipe over the years, and am so excited how it turns out! I’ve also accomplished making it dairy free and if you use vegetable stock, it can also be vegetarian.


2 cups chicken stock or veggie stock

1 can full fat coconut milk (the full fat is important for reasons fo texture)

4 cups diced butternut squash (I cheat and buy the precut)

1 onion diced

2 teaspoons minced garlic

2 granny apples cored and diced (I left the skin on for all the extra nutrients)

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tsp rosemary

1 tsp oregano

1 tsp thyme

2 tbsp coconut oil


1. Start by preparing your cookie sheet and preheating the oven to 250 F. I put parchment paper down on the cookie sheet and sprayed with coconut oil. Then I placed all solid ingredients on the cookie sheet. Keep aside the coconut milk and veggie stock. Once all the solid ingredients are on the baking sheet, take the 2 tbsps of coconut oil and split into clumps around the cookie sheet. Bake at 250 for 2 hours. About 45 minutes in I mixed things around to make sure coconut oil was spread out.

Apples and sweet potato chunks on a baking sheet

2. Once this is done put all in blender or food processor (we have the all in one ninja and absolutely love it!)- puree for 1 minute add in liquids and purée to desired texture.

Apples and sweet potatoes in food processor

3. Warm on stove for 10 minutes and add additional spices, salt, pepper to taste.

Soup simmering in pot

This time we paired it with my dear friend Sarah’s pulled chicken recipe (which is wonderful paired with pickles). However, I also highly recommend it with brie or muenster grilled cheese. We often end up freezing it as well and then cooking it up for an easy meal with the grilled cheese. I highly recommend this for a delicious taste of fall!

Finished soup with a sandwich

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